Reading comprehension practice passages for ssc cgl with answers and detailed explanations. Apr 10, 2019 english reading comprehension practice set sbi po. Answer the questions given below very carefully after reading the passage. The main aim of english section in ssc cgl is to judge the candidates ability to understand the correct english. Ssc cgl tier 1 english comprehension questions and answers. This is a complete set of compiled list of topics that almost covers the exam syllabus. Reading comprehension pdf english passages questions and. English is a scoring subject and covers a maximum weightage in ssc exams. English comprehension for ssc cgl talentsprint youtube. In this post we are providing passage for ssc exam and some question on based of these passages. Quantitative abilities 100 200 120 minutes f or each paper for vh oh afflicted with cerebral palsy deformity in writing hand pl.
We have already provided you with ssc chsl 17th march 2020 all shifts asked questions pdf. Mar 02, 2017 questions set of english language for all ssc exams miscellaneous set3 in this article, our expert team of ssc has framed out 25 questions from previous exam papers. Questions set of english language for all ssc exams miscellaneous set3 in this article, our expert team of ssc has framed out 25 questions from previous exam papers. English study material for ssc cgl updated for 2020 to. So what makes it the most favored section in english.
Held on 16aug2017 shift1 english comprehension qid. Reading comprehension, cloze test for ssc cgl, chsl. This year, many vacancies are releasing by the staff selection commission for subinspector in delhi police and central armed police forces capfs, assistant sub inspector in cisf, inspector posts, and assistant sub inspector posts. S bharti one of the best maths faculty in delhi ssc cgl exam excellent trick to solve dice and cube problems. In ssc cgl tieri exam, english language and comprehension. Candidates preparing for ssc cgl exam can download ssc cgl question paper pdf in hindi and english along with the solutions. The worries are justified, if the catastrophe caused by the flowering of a bamboo species named mau in mizoram in 1959 is anything to go by. Also you can have ssc chsl syllabus 2020 download pdf free here. Ssc has released exam dates for all ssc exams to be conducted in 2020.
The ssc combined graduate level examination result for tier 2 has been declared on october 25, 2019. Ssc cgl english comprehension practice test dear candidates all govt jobs india provides latest online mock test questions in english comprehension for daily practice, we hope that our question helping you in upcoming exam ssc cgl. Reading comprehension for ssc cgl 2017 pdf download. Here you can find reading comprehension questions on daily basis with solution based on previous year pattern. The tier 1 of the exam is an online computer based test which consists of namely three subjects viz general reasoning and intelligence, general awareness and english language and comprehension. Ssc cgl english syllabus staff selection commission. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Nov 18, 2016 reading comprehension 4 practice set ssc cgl. As a result, they ceased to inspire the younger lot. Now in order do crack the examination the first thing is to understand the syllabus and the exam pattern of ssc chsl. Practice solved papers to score high marks in ssc cgl. Dear bankersdaily aspirant, in any bank exam or any competitive exam, comprehension is the important testing area to look our english vocabulary and comprehensive skills. Ssc has conducted ssc cgl tier 1 exam 2019 from 03rd march 2020 to 09th march 2020 in 18 shifts.
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Ssc cgl syllabus 2019 pdf for all tier examination. There are lots of ssc cgl preparation books, sample papers and other preparation notes are available in the market for staff selection commission combined graduate level exam. You dont need prior knowledge to solve rc questions. Get here complete list of ssc cgl books for tier 1, 2 exam. I for the vacancies of group b and group c posts available in several organizations departments ministries in the government of india.
Ssc has a greater weightage in grammar than other portion of english. A total of 5,009 candidates have qualified for the tieriii exam for the post of assistant audit officer and assistant accounts officer. Ssc cgl is not easy because its a central government job. The mauvecoloured flowers sprouting in the hillslopes in the sprawling seppa valley in east kameng district arunachal pradesh, are a palpable threat to the state government. It is necessry to understand that the reading comprehension section carries a lot of importance in ssc cgl. Ssc cgl tier 2 examination is the second stage of the exam and tests your knowledge on two main subjects among others, quantitative aptitude and english language. Candidates ability to understand correct english, his basic comprehension and writing ability, etc.
This is helpful in preparing for bank po, ibps, clerk, sbi, lic and other written exams for recruitment. Please refer this for reading comprehension 4 practice set ssc cgl. Answers to english comprehension questions for ssc cgl exam. Ssc cgl 2016 final cutoff marks for all posts categorywise english classroom notes for ssc cgl by jamal perwezone of the best english faculty in patna in hindi. Ssc all english books free pdf download now governmentadda.
Candidates can check their result by using their registration id and password. Mar 18, 2020 ssc chsl 18th march 2020 asked questions pdf. Total 9,79,215 candidates appeared in ssc cgl 2019 tier 1 examination. Top 280 general science mcq pdf physics and chemistry.
In this article we are going to provide you ssc cgl solved question paper 2019 pdf. This pdf will explain topic wise latest 35 solved papers in details. Ssc chsl practice english questions reading comprehension set62 ssc chsl practice english questions reading comprehension set62. Reading comprehension is one of the most important but ignored topic in ssc exams. Important previous asked reading comprehension rc exercise with answers explained in detail.
This disha ssc english in pdf will be very helpful for upcoming upsc, bpsc, state psc, ndana, railway, bank, ssc and all competitive exams. The passage we are providing today will help you know what kind of questions are asked in the english comprehension for ssc cgl exam. Also, you can follow only a single process to get the ssc steno syllabus pdf download for both the grades. Candidates must have a stronghold on both the subjects to qualify ssc cgl 2020 with ease. Reading comprehension for ssc cgl updated for 2020 to 2021. Recruitment of subinspector in delhi police, capfs and. English language and comprehension 200 200 paperiii. English passages for ssc exam pre question papers only. Indispensable questions from reading comprehension 5 aiming govt. English questions for ssc cglchsl challenge download free pdfs. Reading comprehension rc is among the most asked questions of sbi po and ssc cgl. Ssc chsl 18th march 2020 general awareness questions.
Make sure you attempt all the questions and then verify you answers from the list provided at the end of this post. If we look at the pie chart, it can be derived that vocabulary usage 48% and grammar usage32% categories form a major portion and reading comprehension 20 % forms a minor portion of the english language and comprehension section in ssc cgl tieri exam. Best books for ssc cgl 2019 tier 1, 2 exam preparation. Chapterwise syllabus of english language and comprehension section for ssc cgl 201920 exam. Normally, the questions asked in this section are direct and quite easy. Almost simultaneously, jack yelled down to me that there was a warning light on fleeting but spectacular sights snapped into and out of view, the snow, the shower of debris, the moon, looming. Easily scores can be obtained if one has a basic knowledge of the topics being asked in the ssc exams. Sbi sbi clerk sbi po sbi so ibps ibps po ibps clerk ibps so ssc ssc cgl ssc chsl rbi rbi assistant rbi grade b. Ssc cgl english syllabus contains of different parts. Ssc chsl exam will be conducted from 16 march to 27 march 2020.
The tier i will be organized in march 2020 at various centers. Ssc chsl practice english questions reading comprehension. Download the reading comprehension pdf from the given link below which includes bank, ssc, insurance exams. Ssc cgl tier 2 quant ssc cgl tier 2 english ssc cgl tier 1 study plan.
Recruitment of subinspector in delhi police, capfs. Download pdf of reading comprehension questions with answer for practice, ssc, download pdf of reading comprehension questions with answer for practice. Staff selection commission has released the ssc cgl answer key 2019 on 15th march 2020, sunday. The objective type exam was conducted on september 11, 2019, to september 14, 2019. For all competitive exam pdf book hello friends, here we will provide disha ssc english in pdf.
You can also check all other ssc cgl 2017 question paper here. Reading comprehension 4 practice set ssc cgl and chsl. Reading comprehension is an important part of the english section. The preliminary exam of ssc cgl 2020 is scheduled from 2 nd to 11 th march 2020. English comprehension, quantitative aptitude and general awareness. Ssc cgl 2020 result of tier i tier ii tier iii and tier iv will be available on the commissions website in due course. Comprehension test in english for ssc cgl exam ssc exam. At examscloud, were uploading shiftwise ssc cgl question paper 2019 which was asked in ssc cgl 2019 exam. Under such circumstances, students select few topics for preparation. Here is a pdf on rc english language being provided by to let you practice the best of latest pattern reading comprehension practice ebook for upcoming exams. The result is that schools are closing at an alarming rate across the country. English study material for ssc cgl updated for 2020 to 2021. If you need any help or suggestion then feel free to contact us via comment.
But with right plan and strategy you can crack the exam. All appsc bank cbse cutoff defence dsssb esic hssc ibps po insurance merit list nhm others postal railway reserve list result ssc state psc tnea tnpsc tnusrb trb tspsc upsc results tnteu b. Prepare with the help of these passages prepared by our experts. This, we believe shall be useful in preparing and gearing up for. Reading comprehension is one of the most scoring topics under the english language sections of banking and government exams. Reading comprehension is an integral part of english section for all government and banking exams like ibps po, sbi po, ibps clerk, sbi clerk, ibps rrb and lic. Candidates can download the study material from the below links. However, the total number of applicants for ssc cgl recruitment 2019 is 21,77,843. This disha ssc english in pdf will be very helpful for upcoming upsc, bpsc, state psc, ndana, railway, bank, ssc and all competitive exams read more. Practice english questions for upcoming ssc chsl exams were given below, candidates those who are preparing for the examination can use this question. Grammar, comprehension, sentence completion would be tested through the questions included in the examination.
Reading comprehension holds minimum 10 marks in every bank exam. It is very difficult to study entire syllabus of english since it is very vast. English questions for ssc cglchsl challenge download. English passages for ssc exam tier 2 question papers only. Questions in this components will be designed to test the candidates understanding and knowledge of english language. Download pdf of reading comprehension questions with.
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